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1) Format/ Reinstall ( Windows OS)
2) Backup Data , Clean Virus
3) Software Installation
4) Hardware Troubleshooting
5) Install dan Setup Printer
6) Home Internet Setup / Streamyx / Wireless
7) Pemasangan / Pertukaran Hardware Baru (UPGRADE)
8) Membangunkan Aplikasi Interaktif (Microsoft Access) /
9) Membina Website/ Forum / Blog

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pakej install / Format Windows

Pakej XP (RM 30)

Install / Format Windows XP Profesional SP2
Termasuk Software berikut:

  • Open Office ( Free License)
  • Mozilla Firefox (New Version!!)
  • Adobe Reader 9
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Klite Codec
  • Yahoo Messenger /Skype
  • 7Zip ( Alternatif kepada Winrar dan Winzip)
  • Antivirus Avira @ Avast (Free)  
  • Software free license lain2.. 

Pakej Vista (RM 40)

Install / Format Windows Vista Ultimate

Termasuk Software berikut:

  • Open Office ( Free License)
  • Mozilla Firefox (New Version!!)
  • Adobe Reader 9
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Klite Codec
  • Yahoo Messenger /Skype
  • 7Zip ( Alternatif kepada Winrar dan Winzip)
  • Antivirus Avira @ Avast (Free)  
  • Software free license lain2..
    Pakej Win 7 ( RM 50)

    Install / Format Windows 7 Ultimate

    Termasuk Software berikut:

    • Open Office ( Free License)
    • Mozilla Firefox (New Version!!)
    • Adobe Reader 9
    • Adobe Flash Player
    • Klite Codec
    • Yahoo Messenger /Skype
    • 7Zip ( Alternatif kepada Winrar dan Winzip)
    • Antivirus Avira @ Avast (Free)  
    • Software free license lain2..
    Software Tambahan
    • MS Office 2003/2007 : RM_______
    • Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4 : RM 10
    • Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/CS4: RM 10
    • Antivirus Kaspersky (KIS) 2011: RM_____
    • Nero : RM5.00
               (Nota: Tertakluk kepada keadaan alatan semasa diterima dan syarat-syarat yang dinyatakan kelak)

    Creating a banner image for a website in Photoshop

    Tutorial 1

    Photoshop tutorial

    Creating a banner image for a website in Photoshop CS4.

    A Banner image for a website usually conforms to a specific width and height unless it has a repetitive structure or it fades into the natural background colour of the website. Creating a banner of a set size can be tricky, but with Photoshop you can get the perfect banner quickly and easily everytime.
    For this example we’re going to make a "crop" from an image that we’ve found online. It will become the header for the whole site. Below you can see the starting image:
    The crop tool can be found on the left side of the screen usually, it looks like this:
      Select the crop tool from the tool palette and look just below the menubar at the top of the window for the crop properties. You should see something similar to the screen below:

    We’ll need to set the crop (the section we want to cut out) to the dimensions we are looking to fill on the header for our site. For this example we’re aiming for a header with a width of 850 pixels and 200 pixels high.
    Now that we have specified the dimensions we need, we can click and drag a crop across the section of the image we’d like to fit in the space we have available for our header. When you’ve identified the section of the image you’d like to include in your header, draw a box around it with the crop tool. Start at the top left and drag down to the bottom right. You’ll notice the bounding box is constrained, this is to ensure that the box can be resized precisely to the dimensions you’ve specified.
    You can confirm if you’re happy with the crop or whether you would like to try again by accepting or rejecting it. The toolbar to the right of the Crop properties will display Icons that look like this:
    After accepting your crop you should have a perfectly sized crop ready to be used with your header image.

    Now lets add some text indicating the name of the company and the general nature of the website

    1. The text tool from the toolbar.
    2. The font you would like to use.
    3. The font weight or style to apply.
    4. The point size of the font to use.
    5. The colour to apply to the font.
    Enter some text using these tools and save the image. Below is our first version:

    Now that you have the perfect crop for the website, it’s time to take into consideration the size of the image. Presently all web connections are not equal, so a huge image is going to make the site unattractive to those with slower connection who will have to wait whilst it downloads. There are also considerations with Search Engine Optimisation now that Google has determined that page load speed is a multiplier in their page ranking algorithm. There are also bandwidth considerations when it comes to your hosting plan, a lot of visitors viewing these images could well take your site down.
    So, what do we do? We optimise!

    Thankfully this is very straightforward in Photoshop CS4.

    Optimising images for the Web

    To store the image in a web-ready format, you’ll need to make use of Photoshop’s "Save for Web & Devices…" option. You can access this through the File menu, just like the other Save options.

    Below you can see the optimisation dialog. Ensure that you’re viewing with the "2 up"view selected and if necessary zoom in a little (bottom left of dialog) to observe the effects discussed below:

    1. JPEG artifacts can be seen in the image – this is where the compression of the image has led to distortion.
    2. The Quality of the JPEG can be adjusted to balance between quality and the size of the image.
    There are a number of preset image types (and levels) you can experiment with. Each of the options will display the original on the top and the image as it will become when saved on the bottom. By comparing the two and experimenting with the options available in the optimisation dialog, you should get a well balanced outcome for your image. The size of the image before and after are at the bottom left of the preview screens.
    When you’re happy with your quality/speed/size optimisation, click save and store the image in your Dreamweaver site for ease of inclusion as the header.

    Friday, October 29, 2010

    Contoh Aplikasi yang Dibangunkan

    Keterangan : Aplikasi untuk Pengurusan Aset , Inventori dan Stok Jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan
    Jenis Database : Microsoft Access 2007
    Maklumat : 5 Borang dalam 1 Sistem
    Kelebihan : Mudah di install/uninstall , saiz kompak , maklumat boleh dicetak

    Keterangan : Aplikasi untuk Pengurusan ICT Sekolah
    Jenis Database : Microsoft Access 2007
    Maklumat : 1 Borang dalam 1 Sistem
    Kelebihan : Mudah di install/uninstall , saiz kompak , maklumat boleh dicetak

    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    Cara membuang virus daripada USB Drive

    Salah satu cara virus untuk merebak ialah dengan menggunakan peranti USB (USB Drive). Virus yang biasanya berjangkit melalui kaedah ini adalah seperti ’Ravmon’ , ‘New Folder.exe’, ‘Orkut is banned’ dan sebagainya.

    Kebanyakan antivirus tidak dapat mengesan virus ini dan jika ada pun, ia mungkin tidak dapat dipadamkan daripada sistem. Jika ada simptom-simptom yang menunjukkan komputer anda telah dijangkiti oleh virus-virus seumpamanya sila ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
    1. Apabila anda memasukkan peranti USB ke komputer anda biasanya akan terpapar antaramuka seperti dibawah 

    2. Jangan Klik OK tetapi klik pada Cancel.
    3. Buka Command Prompt (Klik pada Windows, Run dan taip CMD)
    4. Pada Command Prompt tersebut, taipkan drive letter: dan tekan Enter
    5. Kemudian taip pula  dir /w/a dan tekan Enter. Ini akan memaparkan senarai fail yang terdapat didalam peranti USB tersebut.

    6. Perhatikan jika ada fail-fail yang anda rasa mengandungi virus
    • Autorun.inf
    • Ravmon.exe
    • New Folder.exe
    • svchost.exe
    • Heap41a
    • Dan lain-lain
    Jika ada fail-fail seperti diatas, kemungkinan peranti USB anda telah dijangkiti.

    7. Masih didalam Command Prompt, Sila taipkan attrib -r -a -s -h *.* dan tekan Enter untuk memadam fungsi Read Only, Archieve, System dan hidden file.
    8. Gunakan arahan Del untuk memadam fail yang dijangkiti. Sebagai contoh anda boleh taipkan  Del  ravmon.exe.

    Punca utama  peranti USB anda dijangkiti virus ialah melalui  fungsi  autorun yang terdapat didalam komputer apabila peranti tersebut dimasukkan kedalam port USB. Anda boleh menyahaktifkan (Disable) fungsi tersebut dengan menggunakan software TweakUI dibawah :

    Memperbaiki Flash Disk Rosak / Mati / Error

    Pernahkah kamu mengalami kejadian seperti ini:

    " Saat flash disk terpapardi komputer yang sedang digunakan , tiba-tiba Windows hang. Setelah komputer di restart , ternyata flash disk yg dipaparkan tadi tidak berfungsi lagi. Windows mengesan kapasitinya 0MB dan mengeluarkan arahan untuk memformat ia. Namun setelah proses format dilakukan , ia masih gagal berfungsi..."
    Jika terjadi permasalahan seperti ini , jangan khuatir kerana kita masih boleh mencuba kaedah berikut untuk memperbaikinya.

    1. Software yang kita perlukan untuk keperluan ini adalah HP Drive Boot Utility (buatan HP namun jangan khuatir kerana ia boleh digunakan. Bahkan untuk memory kamera juga). Anda boleh download perisian tersebut di sini.

    2. Setelah di download, jalankan dan pilih drive untuk falsh disk yang akan diperbaiki.

    3. Pilih type format disk yang hendak digunakan (FAT, FAT32 atau NTFS)
    4. Pilih Quick Format
    5. Kemudian pilih start untuk melakukannya

    Wednesday, October 27, 2010


    Selamat datang diucapkan kepada para pengunjung yang dihormati sekalian..